Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission
The Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) is an independent statutory body, established under the Garda Síochána Act 2005 and set up in 2007. It replaced the Garda Síochána Complaints Board. Its mission is to provide efficient, fair and independent oversight of policing in Ireland.
GSOC’s primary responsibility is to deal with complaints made by members of the public concerning the conduct of members of the Garda Síochána.
Organisational Structure
Three people make up the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission. They are :
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Chairperson |
Commissionner |
Commissioner |
GSOC’s total budget for 2020 was €11,181,000, Pay & Allowances amounting to €7,658,050 and non-pay to €3,522,950.
Powers and Competence
GSOC’s primary responsibility is to deal with complaints made by members of the public concerning the conduct of members of the Garda Síochána. There are several different ways these may be dealt with.
Types of investigation which can be undertaken by the Garda Ombudsman:
Criminal investigations
All allegations of criminal offences (for example assault) by gardaí are investigated by the Garda Ombudsman’s own investigators.
Disciplinary investigations
There are three ways allegations of breaches of discipline can be handled:
• Informal resolution – Sometimes it makes most sense for the Garda Ombudsman to try to work with both parties to resolve a situation informally, e.g. if a person is complaining that their property has not been returned. This can be much quicker than a formal investigation. It is a voluntary process, requiring the consent of both parties.
• Disciplinary investigation by the Garda Síochána (s.94) – These are conducted by Garda superintendents (GSIOs) according to the Garda Síochána (Discipline) Regulations, 2007. They can be supervised or unsupervised by a GSOC investigator, depending on the seriousness of the allegation.
– If they are unsupervised, the Protocols between GSOC and the Garda Síochána say that they must be completed and an investigation report provided to GSOC, for the complainant, within 16 weeks. Typical examples of cases that are investigated in this way would be an allegation that a house was searched without a warrant, or that there was abuse of authority in the manner in which an arrest was conducted.
– If it is supervised, a designated GSOC investigator may meet with the GSIO to agree the investigation plan, can direct and partake in the investigative actions, and must receive interim reports. The Protocols say that supervised disciplinary investigations must be completed and an investigation report provided within 20 weeks. An example might be a more serious allegation of neglect of duty, for example lack of, or insufficient, investigation of a serious crime reported to the gardaí.
• Non-criminal investigation by GSOC (s.95) – Certain disciplinary investigations may be undertaken by the Garda Ombudsman’s own investigators
• Local Intervention – This process is aimed at resolving certain service-level types of complaints against members of the Garda Síochána at a local level without the need for the matter to enter a formal complaints process. The process entails nominated Garda inspectors contacting the person making the complaint, establishing what the issues are, and attempting to resolve matters to the complainant’s satisfaction.
GSOC has several other responsibilities unrelated to complaints. These are:
• To conduct independent investigations, following referral by the Garda Síochána, in circumstances where it appears that the conduct of a garda may have resulted in the death of, or serious harm to, a person (provided for by s.102(1) of the Garda Síochána Act 2005). 43 such referrals were received in 2020, of which 20 related to fatalities.
• To investigate matters in relation to the conduct of gardaí, when it is in the public interest, even if a complaint has not been received (provided for by s.102(4), 102(4)A, 102(5) and 102(7) of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, as amended). 26 such investigations were opened in 2020.
• To investigate (with the consent of the Minister for Justice and Equality) where there is a concern that the Garda Commissioner may have committed an offence or behaved in a manner that would constitute serious misconduct (provided for by s.102B of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, as amended).
• To examine any “practice, policy or procedure” of the Garda Síochána. Two such examinations have been conducted by GSOC to date (provided for by s.106 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005).
Number of Complaints in 2020 in the field of police complaints
GSOC received 1,955 complaints containing 3,089 allegations in 2020.
Read all GSOC annual report here : https://www.gardaombudsman.ie/publications/statutory-reports/
Website: www.gardaombudsman.ie
Complaints can be submitted on the GSOC website at the following link: https://www.gardaombudsman.ie/make-a-complaint/submit-a-complaint/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/GardaOmbudsman or @GardaOmbudsman